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Months went past, and Fibh got stronger and stronger. “My, he's a fast learner” Papa said as Fibh was very quick at picking up words and actions of both his parents. “My boy is special, I knew it from the moment I looked into his eyes the first time” Mama replied.

But there was something different about Fibh, although Fibh was an excellent flyer for a chick so young, Papa had noticed that his son was fixated on something totally strange for a bird. “Its only a faze he's going through Mama, just wait he'll grow out of it”.

But as the months turned into years. Mama and Papa had finally come to realise that there was something else that took his attention away from birding.


Chapter 5


or days now since the little one was born, Mama and Papa were still deciding on a name. “No Papa, I'm not naming my son after your father,

or after mine for that matter, I want him to have a name that will reflect his outlook on life” “OK then my dear, you think of a name” Papa said frustratingly while pointing at Mama with both his wings. Mama looked at her chick and said out loud “Fibh....My Fibh”' and as Mama spoke the name she had chosen, the little chick spun round to face his Mother. Papa was amazed “Did you just see that Mama? Say that name again”. “Fibh” Mama said again and the chick started chirping. “That's it, that’s our sons name, you’ve done it Mama, our Fibh” and with that Papa took to the sky, rejoicing.


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was amazed “Did you just see that Mama? Say that name again”. “Fibh” Mama said again and the chick started chirping. “That's it, that’s our sons name, you’ve done it Mama, our Fibh” and with that Papa took to the sky, rejoicing.

Months went past, and Fibh got stronger and stronger. “My, he's a fast learner” Papa said as Fibh was very quick at picking up words and actions of both his parents. “My boy is special, I knew it from the moment I looked into his eyes the first time” Mama replied.


But there was something different about Fibh, although Fibh was an excellent flyer for a chick so young, Papa had noticed that his son was fixated on something totally strange for a bird. “Its only a faze he's going through Mama, just wait he'll grow out of it”.

But as the months turned into years. Mama and Papa had finally come to realise that there was something else that took his attention away from birding.


Chapter 5


or days now since the little one was born, Mama and Papa were still deciding on a name. “No Papa, I'm not naming my son after your father,

or after mine for that matter, I want him to have a name that will reflect his outlook on life” “OK then my dear, you think of a name” Papa said frustratingly while pointing at Mama with both his wings. Mama looked at her chick and said out loud “Fibh....My Fibh”' and as Mama spoke the name she had chosen, the little chick spun round to face his Mother. Papa


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our Fibh” and with that Papa took to the sky, rejoicing.

Months went past, and Fibh got stronger and stronger. “My, he's a fast learner” Papa said as Fibh was very quick at picking up words and actions of both his parents. “My boy is special, I knew it from the moment I looked into his eyes the first time” Mama replied.

But there was something different about Fibh, although Fibh was an excellent flyer for a chick so young, Papa had noticed that his son was fixated on something totally strange for a bird. “Its only a faze he's going through Mama, just wait he'll grow out of it”.

But as the months turned into years. Mama


and Papa had finally come to realise that there was something else that took his attention away from birding.


Chapter 5


or days now since the little one was born, Mama and Papa were still deciding on a name. “No Papa, I'm not naming my son after your father,

or after mine for that matter, I want him to have a name that will reflect his outlook on life” “OK then my dear, you think of a name” Papa said frustratingly while pointing at Mama with both his wings. Mama looked at her chick and said out loud “Fibh....My Fibh”' and as Mama spoke the name she had chosen, the little chick spun round to face his Mother. Papa was amazed “Did you just see that Mama? Say that name again”. “Fibh” Mama said again and the chick started chirping. “That's it, that’s our sons name, you’ve done it Mama,